The exhibit stands are exhibitors’ venues-within-the-venue to highlight their capabilities and products. They are also the anchor meeting places for all delegates for three uninterrupted days.

Bronze, Bronze Plus, Silver, Silver Plus, Gold packages or a combination of packages are available which include paid delegate registrations and promotional opportunities.

Benefits of exhibiting at IDLS include:

  • Connect with government and industry representatives from around the world, expanding business opportunities on an international scale.
  • Establish meaningful connections with key players in the data link community, fostering collaboration and potential partnerships.
  • Engage directly with operators and other stakeholders, gaining valuable insights and feedback that can inform product development.

Full details of the Exhibitor Packages can be viewed in the document below:

For enquiries and to book your exhibitor stand email

Exhibitor Prices and Breakdown

Please note:

  • Stands will be allocated based on payment dates and in the order of stand type
  • Companies are purchasing the floor space only from the society
  • Package prices include accommodation at the Fairmont Empress – more details in the Exhibitor Packages document
  • All prices exclude VAT.

Confirmed Exhibitors